brown leather, ivory white fruit, hairy stems, trifoliate leaves, leaves alternate location, non-toxic, child leaves oval, white or purple flowers, pods 8-14 cm, length bebrbentuk flat, seed number between 4-12 pieces, colored brown, kuirang 1 cm in diameter and toxic. Yam tuber eaten raw, juicy and sweet.
1. TillageLand to be cultivated plant Jicama first processed, namely by hoeing. Cangkulan land should be nice and smooth, then made a disbuat bedengan.Bedengan tailored to the circumstances yangb land there, but the beds are usually made with a width of 1 meter, a length of 15 meters to 20 meters in tune with the existing land, beds of 25 cm height, distance between beds of 50 cm.Beds that have been made later diberkan manure (organic fertilizer) as much as 4 sacks. How manure is placed or mounted in a row to be planted yam in order to be more economical and efficient.2. CultivationPlants propagated by seed yam. Before planting seed yam should be treated, the soaked seeds submarine 6-12 hours, then removed the seeds that have been soaked and drained into a container or basket first be backed with leaves, and put the room is damp or wet, then left for one night or to germinate.Once germinated seeds can be planted on land that had been prepared. Planting seed yam menugalkan way on the line with a depth of 5 cm. Spacing of 15 x 15 cm each planting hole 1 seed yam seeds. Seed needs to land 1 ha is 25-30 kg.
3. Maintenance.a. Supplementary FertilizationObservations of plants during pertuimbuhan done regularly and intensively. After a week of planting should be observed when there are plants that do not grow, do immediately replanting crops so that plants grow equally well.Yam plants after the age of 1 month, when the growth is not good, it is done by using a supplementary fertilizer NPK fertilizers. Needs 150 kg of NPK / ha.b. WeedingWeeding should be done if a disturbance weed plants have been grown, by unplugging the appliance or the manner in danger.c. PruningYam plants aged 6-8 weeks done by using a pruning cut, the scissors or knife. When the plants have spread long yam, plant stems trimmed or cut and left 50 cm from the base of the plant.Trimming on repeat after three weeks or see the growth of plants. If the plant has spread length, then immediately do the trimming again. Yam plants at the age of 4 months are usually the trimming has been done 4 times. The purpose of pruning is to establish yam tubers of yam pieces that shape bias in accordance with what we want or large fruit, round, smooth and good quality.d. Pest ControlIf there is a pest on the plant yam, which is characterized adamnya attack on the leaves, it can be controlled by spraying insecticides. Yam plants normally are not many pests that destroy crops, but need intensive observation.4. HarvestYam crops can be harvested when the desire bulan.Namun umur4 yam pieces with a size larger then the harvest can be done at the age of 5 months and a maximum age of 8 months have already been harvested, because it will change the quality of the fruit and less fibrous fruit crisp.How to harvest yam crop is by unplugging the plant stems, where dry land and not loose, then how can be done using a hoe or other tool to remove the fruit surface yam.Yam has been lifted directly collected surface, cut at the base of the fruit, and stems of the plant was also cut, but the left end of the piece 15 cm, the goal for the binding of yam pieces in time to market.Jicama has harvested done treatment as follows:1. Clean up with a way so that the fruit yam washed clean, look good, healthy, smooth and attractive2. Performed by drying overlaid on an open space that has been given a mat / mat, and then cleared of roots and stems that are still carried on with a knife.3. Grouping pieces of fruit on the basis of large, medium and small, to facilitate and accelerate time binding of the fruit.4. Yam fruit marketed in units of tissue. Yam bundle comprising 2-5 pieces bengkuiang, depending on the size of fruit yam. If the yam pieces are 3-4 pieces / tissue.5. Before the market let the yam in the open, and do not be kept in a sealed bag, so that the fruit remains in a state of fresh yam.
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